My article fine woodworking magazine ( website) - , I wrote a “letter to the editor” of fine woodworking magazine expressing the journey i experienced after building the jefferson lap desk that appeared in their magazine. after several follow-ups and some discussion, they decided to run the letter as a submitted article.. Monticello lap desk popular woodworking magazine, In 1776, thomas jefferson commissioned benjamin randolph, a philadelphia cabinetmaker, to build a compact lap desk to serve as a portable office. this small mahogany box, now prominently displayed at monticello, jefferson’s hilltop home near charlottesville, virginia, has become one of the most famous wooden artifacts in american history.. Cut rate thomas jefferson lap desk - woodcentral, Got on the internetplugged in "thomas jefferson desk" and got about 20 thousand hits, mostly about tom, not his desk. best one was a site referring to an article on building one in fine woodworking. it was beautiful, but would probably take me a month to make, so i took a lot of short cuts..
Desk Plans: Fine Woodworking's Best Plans and Projects
Black Walnut Jefferson Desk - FineWoodworking
Exchanging Components - FineWoodworking
Mining Danish Modern - FineWoodworking

Thomas jefferson lap desk - finewoodworking, Gold lap desk (14-3⁄8 . deep 9-3⁄8 . wide 2-1⁄2 . tall) master class philadelphia furniture workshop. ’ replica desk thomas jefferson drafting declaration independence. challenge skills small scale drew gold project.. Desks - page 4 5 - finewoodworking, Fine woodworking main menu subscribe. desks - page 4 5. tombstone doors. june 1, 2002. thomas jefferson’ writing desk. october 1, 2000. build revolutionary war relic write declaration independence. amateurs build newport secretaries. october 1, 2000.. September virtual meeting: jefferson lap desk leonard, Fine woodworking’ sept/oct 2020 article lenny desk tells interesting -story lenny’ desk . ’ link article read saturday’ meeting. meeting join information thomas jefferson lap desk leonard butler. click join meeting.
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